- Retail marketing
- Consumer behaviour
- Strategic management
- Teaching - 8 Years
- Research - 2 Years
- Industry - 3 Months
Working as an Assistant Professor in ADAIKALAMATHA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, and imparting duties as DIRECTOR in Adaikalamatha College, Vallam, Thanjavur, till date. |
Dr.N. Sumathi |
B.E., MBA., M.Phil., P.hD., |
+ Academic Qualification
Phd |
Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore. |
2012 |
- |
- |
(Management) |
Distance |
Bharathidasan University, Trichy. |
April 2007 |
79.6 |
I Class |
Adaikalamatha Institute of Management, Adaikalamatha College, Thanjavur, |
Bharathidasan University, Trichy |
April 2003 |
74.6 |
I class and University 5th Rank |
(Electronics and communication Engg.) |
Periyar Maniammai College of Tech. for Women, Thanjavur. |
Bharathidasan University, Trichy |
April 2001 |
69.91 |
I class |
St. Joseph of Cluny Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Neyveli. |
- |
April 1997 |
80.5 |
I Class
St. Joseph of Cluny Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Neyveli.` |
- |
April 1995 |
88.7 |
I Class
+ Faculty Development Programmes Attended
- ‘ACADEMIC RESEARCH WRITING' – Organized by Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University.
- ‘ENVIRONMENTAL SENSISITAZITION’ – Organized by AICTE and Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- ‘ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT’ – Organized by Department of Science & Tech.,Govt. of India and TREC STEP, Trichy.
- ‘PEDOGOGICAL TOOLS FOR TEACHING’ (2009) – Organised by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- ‘EDUCATION PSYCHOLOGY & PROACTIVE PERSONALITY’ (2008) - Organized by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- ‘VALUE EDUCATION &WRITING THE RIGHT LIFE SCRIPT‘(2007) – Organized by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- ‘A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO LEARNING AND TEACHING‘ (2006) – Organized by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- ‘ANALYTICAL THINKING AS AN INSTRUCTIONAL TOOL‘ (2005) – Organized by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
+ National & International Conferences Participated
- International Conference on ‘BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND FINANCE(ICBEF 2005) – Organized by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- National Conference on ‘TRENDS AND CHALLENGES IN ENTREPRENEURAL TRAINING' sponsored by AICTE and TREC STEP in the year 2005 at Alagappa Institute of management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
- National Conference on ‘ ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS, BUSINESS ANALYTICS AND ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE sponsored by UGC and Organized by Department of economics, Raja Serfoji Govt. College (Autonomous)
- National Conference on ‘THE DYNAMICS OF MANAGEMENT, the Plus Factor’ Organised by Department of Business Administration, St.Joseph’s College, Trichy.
- National Conference on ‘MANAGEMENT IN THE AGE OF INNOVATION ‘Organised by Jamal Institute of Management, Jamal Mohammed College, Trichy.
+ Academic Projects Done
- Dissertation submitted for M.Phil - A study on Industrial Customers preference towards installation of water treatment plant with special reference to ION EXCHANGE INDIA PVT., LTD, Chennai.
- Dissertation submitted for MBA – A study on Chennai City with special reference to SONY INDIA PVT., LTD, Chennai.
- A real time project executed for BE(ECE)- Speech Scrambler and Descrambler using ADSP 2105 juxtaposing the encoded signal to provide security on telephone lines, at SANDS INDIA PVT., LTD, Chennai.
+ Papers Presented and Books Published
- ‘Impact of retail marketing in India’ – presented and published in the proceedings of National Conference on ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS, BUSINESS ANALYTICS AND ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE Organized by UGC and Department of economics, Raja Serfoji Govt. College (Autonomous).
- ‘An Insight on Impulsive Buying Behaviour of Working Women while shopping’ – presented and published in the proceedings of International Conference on ‘BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND FINANCE(ICBEF 2005) – Organised by Adaikalamatha Institute of management, Adaikalamatha College.
- ‘Supply Chain Management in Organised Food and Groceries retailers in India’ – presented and published in the edited volume of book with ISBN number released in the National conference on Management in the age of Innovation organized by Jamal Institute of Management, Trichy.
- ‘Stress Management ‘ – presented and published in the edited volume of book with ISBN number released in the National conference on The Dynamics of Management , The Plus Factor, organized by Joseph’s college, Trichy.
- ‘Supply Chain Relationships in Apparel Retail ‘– presented and published in the edited volume of book with ISBN number released in the National conference on Management of Resources Issues and Challenges, organized by Adaikalamatha Institute of Management, Tanjore.
+ Additional Academic Activities
- Acting as research advisor in MBA program for Bharathidasan and Periyar University.
- Acting as a project guide for MBA students in Adaikalamatha Institute of management and have guided more than 62 students till date.
- Resource person in Annamalai university for MBA and M.Phil distance education programme.
- Acting as LEO club coordinator, an entity of LIONS club, Thanjavur.
- Able participation in all Departmental Administrative activities.
- All AICTE correspondence, documentation and uploading of details can be accomplished .