Aim Vallam
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About The Institution

Adaikalamatha Institute of management  established in the year 1994, has grown impressively and achieved widespread recognition from business and industry, academic circles, and professional bodies. AIM is consistently ranked among the top B-Schools in India, in the annual B-School surveys every year. It offers two-year, full-time Postgraduate Program in MBA (Mastes of Business Administration) approved by AICTE , and affiliated to Bharathidasan University is designed to prepare the students and equip them for successful corporate careers. 

AIM has a reputation for innovative programs and workshops, quality education, strong industry interface, and a firm rapport through resource persons. AIM  is  committed to achieve excellence in teaching and research by focusing on the necessary infrastructure like, library, computers etc.  and   pedagogical tools  like, learning frameworks, e-learning kits, databases etc. Faculty members are encouraged to pursue teaching and research projects, publish research articles in refereed, journals and participate in various national and international research seminars and conferences.

Adaikalamatha Institute of Management aims to provide students with an excellent quality of education that kindles creativity, encourages innovation, and instills strong ethical practices enabling them to develop as leaders and to compete successfully in the global business arena.

Prescribed dress code for the students in the campus adds a magnificent look. Interaction with external experts on current affairs of both national and international, keeps the students updating their knowledge. Foundation course for improving communication skills in english and hindi languagesis offered to the students. Stress management programmes like Yoga and Meditation  helps the students to develop  self-control and self-confidence to face the turbulent environments with hopes. The entire programme is packed with multifarious activities putting the students in a dynamic environment with the sole aim of preparing the future managers.

The guiding force behind our success is the Apex Advisory Council consisting of eminent Academicians, Administrators, Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, whose vision set the goal and objectives for effective performance. Institute& Industrial interaction, Industrial excursion, arranged to train them in their relevant technical areas.
The AIM  family believes that management education should have a good blend of academic rigor and practical utility. The management graduates should be well-rounded with right knowledge, right skills and right attitudes.
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